Women for Women Sponsorship
Posted at 1:51 PM (PDT) on Monday, March 19, 2018

I have just signed up to sponsor a woman in a conflict afflicted area with @womenforwomen. The monthly financial commitment is bigger than the usual ask but if we can reach the 200 sponsor mark by March 31st, an anonymous donor will match our support with $25,000. Please, if you can, team up with this wonderful organization and sponsor a woman today and they will not only receive a stipend to live on but learn a skill or a trade, be educated in health and wellbeing, and given vital information on their fundamental human rights. And as importantly, you will get to learn about and communicate with a sister across the world who has been marginalised through birth and circumstance alone and who no doubt will feel that someone across the world actually cares. 📷 @womenforwomen

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